Royal Rangers Post #99

Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small-group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12 with a mission to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders.

If there ever was a time when we needed godly men to Arise, its now! Royal Rangers is a great way to do that. It is our goal to instill biblical principles and godly values in the hearts and lives of our young men while helping them grow in their walk with Christ. Every week we begin our meetings with a general assembly. We learn how to fall in’ to formation, stand at attention and review various aspects of drill. 

We open up each meeting with pledges and prayer, we then dismiss into groups. We have amazing and dedicated mentors that are here for your boys. During our meetings, we work on Merits as we go up the Advancement Trails. 

More information about the National Royal Rangers Ministry can be found here.


Skill Merits are an opportunity for our boys to learn various things ranging from fire craft, navigating and tool craft to technology, photography and sports! 

Bible Merits are the backbone of our program. Every week we will cover bible studies and discussions on how to apply biblical principles to everyday life! This is very important to us, not just instruct the boys on bible knowledge, but show them how to apply and use it daily.

Leadership Merits are wonderful segments on developing leaders. More importantly, equipping our boys to be leaders now and in the future. These studies are in depth and cover a wide range of topics that will help them be the best they can be.